The Reasons Why Podcast
A podcast started to share my transformation of losing 100lbs and changing my life forever. Listen to my story as well as others as we share the obstacles we all face and the reasons why we were able to overcome them **While the podcast will not purposely be explicit, potential language is a possibility during episodes**
The Reasons Why Podcast
Episode 19 - Turning The Page
David Lewis
Its been a little bit longer since my last episode but in this new installment, I go over why. What's been going on in my life? Recently dealing with anxiety, with pain, with frustration. I go into further about how amazing my girlfriend has been for me to lean on and look up to as we handle life differently. In this case, a lot better than me.
It's also my last episode from my home in Delaware. In just a few short days, I make my drive to Texas. To start a new chapter in my life with the one I love. If anyone else goes through events like this, or handles things the way I do or rather struggle to... maybe it can help. It was good to turn on the microphone again. Thanks again for listening!